Storage Facilities

TOS has open yard storage facilities in Labuan close to the Asian Supply Base. Inventory control and equipment maintenance are some of the value added services provided.

Jalan Kolam - 4 miles from ASB
Area : 58,000 sqft
Offices : Yes
Toilet Facilities : Yes
Power supply : 240V AC @ 50Hz
Telephone and Internet : Yes
Fencing : Yes (whole area)
W/Shop Facilities : Yes with Hoist and Power
Water supply : Yes (Potable Water)
Ground Condition : Crusher run with approx 2.5MT/M2 loading

Contact Us

  • +60 087-411788
  • Tiger Oilfield Services HQ
    Lot 16, Lazenda Warehouse 2,
    Jalan Patau-Patau,
    87000 WP Labuan